19:38, 07 February 2014 | GMT +5
Fine for incorrectly collected statistical data to double – Smailov
ASTANA. KAZINFORM - Kazakh Statistics Agency initiated imposing a double administrative fine on a public official for incorrectly collected statistical data, Chairman of the Statistics Agency Alikhan Smailov has said at a board meeting of his agency, primeminister.kz reports.

"With regard to strengthening the responsibility of public authorities - our agency initiated increasing administrative penalties to officials for the collection of data in the form non concerted with the agency - from 5 to 10 MCI. This proposal was supported by the Government, and is currently under consideration by the Majilis," he said.
"We found that in 90% of cases the state authorities had no clear algorithms and methods of calculation, which is not consistent with transparency and clarity of calculated indices. Now, indicators with the methods of calculations formed by the government agencies will be published on their sites," Smailov noted.