10:43, 02 February 2014 | GMT +5
Fire killed 3, injured 2 over the past 24 hrs - Emergency Ministry
ASTANA. KAZINFORM - For the past day in the regions of the country fires killed three and injured two, the press service of the Emergency Ministry informs.

In Aksu town of Pavlodar region fire occurred in a 5-storey residential building in an apartment on the 3rd floor. As a result of the fire an 80-year-old woman with burns of varying degrees has been hospitalized.
In Astana during a gear unit installation on a 50-liter gas cylinder gas-air mixture exploded. As a result a 38-year-old man with thermal burns was taken to a hospital.
In the city of Atyrau fire occurred in a private house. At the scene of the tragedy fire fighters found 47-year-old male dead.
In Pavlodar region a private house caught fire. An 81- year-old woman was found dead at the scene of the accident. In West Kazakhstan region fire killed a 45-year-old man.