08:30, 30 December 2009 | GMT +5
First house for repatriates in Kurchatov to be launched in 2010
SEMEY. December 30. KAZINFORM /Lina Slavina/ The first house for repatriates in Kurchatov town will be launched at the very beginning of 2010; the press-service of "NK SPK "Yertis" JSC said.

The project on reconstruction of four houses is implemented under Nurly Kosh Program.
"Obldorkomhoz" LLP is a primary contractor of the project which is working over the implementation of the program.
The cost of the project is KZT 768.3 mln. According to the Akimat of East-KazakhstanOblast at present the number of Nurly Kosh Program participants amounted to 54 families.