FISU Secretary General came to Almaty for WU2017
Mr. Saintrond noted a well-known Kazakh hospitality and expressed his confidence that all the delegates for the Universiade-2017 would be pleased to see the Kazakh hospitality and warmth.
Eric Saintrond has been working as the FISU Secretary General since 2007. He's visited Kazakhstan and Almaty many times. He's arrived ahead the beginning of the Universiade-2017 to arrange the meeting of the Executive Committee of the FISU and finalize some organizing issues.
In his welcome speech at the Almaty airport Mr.Saintrond described the general difficulties to organize any winter Universiade in any country connected to high technical requirements for winter sport venues and long distances among the facilities.
The FISU Secretary General wished all the best to young sportsmen coming to take part at the Universiade-2017.