18:34, 06 March 2009 | GMT +5
Following President's message we rely on innovative technologies and close relationship with public: view from region
KOSTANAY. March 6. KAZINFORM /Petr Plakhotnikov/ President Nursultan Nazarbayev, addressing members of the law-enforcement agencies in his regular Address to the people of Kazakhstan, stressed the necessity of crime control. Head of the Internal Affairs Department of Kostanay region, police colonel Nurman Duskenov shared his opinion on the Address with the Kazinform correspondent.
?It is important to provide the security of our citizens and all society in this difficult times?, the President noted.
I consider there are two main factors, promoting law and order. They are the innovative technologies and close relationship with the public. Kostanay region has such work experience.
We have examples when citizens actively participate in the protection of public order. From the beginning of the year two cases of detention of criminals by citizens were registered. It witnesses intolerence to crimes.
?Sozidaniye? public association where over 200 people assist to the police in provision of public order works in Lisakovks under the sponsorship of the akimat of the town.
Over a thousand people were involved in ensuring maintenance of public order in Kostanay oblast. Through their help 270 crimes were solved, 2527 offenders were arrested. This is a contribution of the population to ensuring stability of the region.
Stable operating environment in every region and the whole country should be provided both by the law-enforcement agencies and public assistance. In fact the struggle against crime is rather a task of social character. In this direction we have to expand experience and search for new forms of activity.
?It is necessary to combat criminality, corruption, fraud, infringement of laws?, the Head of the State emphasized.
Countering corruption is a particularly urgent task now. It is hard to overestimate public support in this direction. Public Council for Monitoring of the Police is a powerful factor in prevention and eradication of corruption among police officers.
Law-enforcement officers have great potential for implementation of the tasks outlined by the President in his Annual Address to the Nation.