Foreign experts share experience with Kazakhstani judges in sphere of protection of intellectual property

ASTANA. KAZINFORM - A training seminar for judges on the theme "Judicial practice on considering legal cases in the sphere of intellectual property: domestic and foreign experience" is held in Astana.

The organizers of the seminar are the Ministry of Justice of Kazakhstan, State Administration Academy under the President of Kazakhstan and the German Fund of International Legal Cooperation.

Foreign experts, representatives of private companies, ministries of finance and Justice of Kazakhstan and judges from all the regions of the country are taking part in the event. The participants will discuss the most important issues arising when hearing cases in the sphere of intellectual property.

"Today's seminar is dedicated to the sphere of intellectual property and is held for the judges, representatives of customs and law-enforcement bodies. The theme of the seminar is focused on the practical part of application of the laws adopted by Kazakhstan and other EEU member states in the sphere of intellectual property. We invited German experts, judges and attorneys to share their experience in the sphere," director of the department for intellectual property of the Ministry of Justice of Kazakhstan Abzal Yestayev said.

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