Foreign trade turnover between Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan amounts to about USD 400M in H1

trade turnover
Photo: Kabar

In the first half of 2024, the foreign trade turnover between Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan amounted to $381.8 million, the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan said on Saturday, Kabar reports. 

Meanwhile, exports from Uzbekistan to Kyrgyzstan amounted to $270.4 million and imports - $111.4 million. In the same period last year, this figure amounted to $486 million (exports - $351.7 million - imports - $134.3 million). Kyrgyzstan's share in Uzbekistan's foreign trade turnover makes 3.5%.

The largest volume of foreign trade turnover was recorded with China, the share of which amounted to 18.5%. Russia ranks second with 18.1%. Then follow Kazakhstan, Turkey and the Republic of Korea.

In January-June 2024, Uzbekistan's foreign trade turnover amounted to $31.8 billion and increased by $2.5 billion or 8.5% compared to the same period of 2023.

Today Uzbekistan has trade relations with 186 countries of the world.

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