Foreigners do not exercise their right for 25- year land lease in Kazakhstan – Agriculture Minister

ASTANA. KAZINFORM Foreigners do not exercise their right for a 25-year land lease in Kazakhstan, Minister of Agriculture Askar Myrzakhmetov said it today at the 1st meeting of the Land Reform Commission in Astana.

According to him, the provision on prolongation of the land lease period for foreigners from 10 to 25 years entered into force on January 1, 2015.

“None of the regional akimats has applied for the Agriculture Ministry and the Ministry of National Economy on allocation of land parcels to foreigners as per this provision,” he said.

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Myrzakhmetov reminded that prior to adoption of the Land Code in 2003, foreigners were allowed to lease land from Kazakhstan for up to 99 years. “However, no agreement has been signed yet,” added he.

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