Fourteen killed at New York state immigration center ? police

NEW YORK. April 4. KAZINFORM Fourteen people were killed when a lone gunman stormed an immigration center in Binghamton, near New York, the local police chief told a news conference.
"We removed safely 37 people. Four people we removed are wounded. All four are listed in critical condition," Joe Zikuski said. He also said he had "very good reason to believe that the shooter is among the dead at the scene." Most victims are immigrants from Vietnam, who were taking citizenship tests at the time of the attack. The American Civic Association in Binghamton, some 140 miles from New York City, helps immigrants and asylum seekers, providing counselling and help with citizenship and domestic matters. A police source said that the suspected gunman had identification in the name of Jiverly Voong, 42, from nearby Johnson City, New York. U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden told journalists earlier, "It's time to figure away how to deal with this terrible, terrible violenc", Kazinform refers to RIA Novosti.
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