French oncologists familiarized with patient treatment in the Oncology dispensary in Astana

ASTANA. KAZINFORM - French oncologists have come to the city Oncology dispensary to familiarize with the work of pharmacological support and patient treatment in the capital city, informs.

In the course of their visitation, colleagues held audit together with specialists of the Oncology dispensary, familiarized with the pharmacological support and patient treatment in the chemotherapy department, day patient facility, methods of chemotherapeutic agents dilution and ways of its administration. Besides, there were interviews with each worker of the department. Upon completion of the audit it was noted that treatment in the Oncology dispensary was held in conformity with international protocols of diagnostics and treatment of oncologic diseases. It's worth noting that the visitation of specialists from the worldwide renowned Gustave Roussy Institute of Oncology (Paris, France) to Astana has taken place within the framework of Strategic partnership concept for 2014-2016.

Besides, from 3 to 12 of February Astana polyclinics hold Doors Open Days as part of the 10-day campaign for prevention and early detection of oncologic diseases confined to the World Cancer Day. Cancer remains a global problem of the modernity; every year in Kazakhstan approximately 17 000 people die from oncologic diseases, and 42% of them are able-bodied citizens; and cancer is on the second place in the population mortality structure. In 2013, morbidity rate in Astana amounted to 172.6 per 100 000 of population; mortality from malicious neoplasms amounted to 81.1 per 100 000 population.

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