19:53, 31 May 2016 | GMT +5
G. Golovkin: I give people show, I'm not a fake
ASTANA. KAZINFORM - Middleweight champion Gennady Golovkin told Boxingnewsonline.net about his image in the ring and in everyday life, Sports.kz informs.
- Your image in the public is to be a gentleman. How does it match the real you? Were you the same when you fought in the streets in your teens?
- (smiles) Everything depends on the situation. I do not know, maybe. I am not a fake. I know my class, I understand my work. I do not like boxing with a lot of running and dodging, which is more like dancing than boxing. It is important for me to know who is who. I like knockouts, and giving people show much more than anything else. You come to see a fight, which is more like a street brawl, it's a show for you. It might be my style but I'm not that bad outside the ring. I am a good guy.