Gaddafi offered Nazarbayev to preserve nuclear weapons, Tokayev

"Early 1992, a letter was sent through the diplomatic channels to the President of Kazakhstan from Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. In this letter he offered to save nuclear arsenals in Kazakhstan, as the first Muslim, as he wrote, the atomic bomb, and pledged billions of dollars to maintain it.
This message is likely kept in the archives and, in my opinion, it would be a good idea to make it public so that the contemporaries and future generations of politicians and scientists could better understand the dynamics of those difficult times, " K. Tokayev said.
According to him, the decision of President Nazarbayev to abandon nuclear weapons, which was adopted at the time when Kazakhstan had experienced great economic difficulties, showed that the President, as a real politician, relied not upon conformist categories, but on strategic considerations.
As Leader of the Nation Nursultan Nazarbayev has political farsightedness.