Gas companies of 12 states discuss collaboration issues

ALMATY. September 26. KAZINFORM - Today in Almaty there is a meeting of the Inter-republican association of business and scientific- technical cooperation of gas enterprises from 12 countries, the press- service of "KazTransGas - Almaty" JSC informs. 

The delegates are from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Armenia, Moldova, Czech Republic, Finland, and Germany (they are mainly represented by companies with the participation of OAO " Gazprom", Russia ). Our country is represented by a national provider of gas - "KazTransGas " headed by the Director General Serik Sultangali. 

In 2012 "KazTransGas -Almaty ", as authorized by a subsidiary of JSC "KazTransGas ", joined the inter-republican association of business and scientific- technical cooperation gas companies, led by O.Gorbey . Its headquarters are located in Kiev, Ukraine.

The association has been formed for the purpose of mutual exchange of experience in organization of gas supply in the countries represented by its members. First of all , we are talking about the gas distribution companies and sales of natural gas.

Kazakhstan is geopolitically situated at the junction of several strategically significant flows of gas pipelines connecting Europe, Central Asia and the world powers such as Russia and China. Gas transmission system consists of main gas pipelines: Central Asia - Center (CAC ), Bukhara - Urals; Akshabulak - Kizilorda; Buharogazliysky gas area - Tashkent - Bishkek - Almaty ( BGR- T- B- A), Kazakhstan - China.


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