14:06, 10 May 2009 | GMT +5
Gas pipeline bursts in southwestern Moscow
MOSCOW. May 10. KAZINFORM. A gas pipeline has burst in the South West of Moscow. The rupture caused a huge fire, which has been assigned the maximum fifth degree of complexity, Moscow law enforcers told Itar-Tass; Kazinform refers to Itar-Tass.

Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov has said a cause behind a gas pipeline accident in the South West of Moscow is technogenic. "I amsure that it's a techogenic disaster by 99%," the mayor, who is now at the accident site, said.
Luzhkov said that a pipe of 1,200 mm in diameter and with pressure measruing 12 atmospheres could have burst because of some technical problems sucha as a sharp leap of pressure.
The Moscow mayor said that five people had been hurt in the accident. Four of them have been hospitalized. The fifth victim - with eight percent of his body covered by burns - refused to go to hospital; Kazinform cites Itar-TAss. See www.itar-tass.com for full version.