Gas supplies restored in Karatau

"Currently, gas supply to all 1560 consumers of the network in Karatau has been restored by the emergency response and restoration division of the akimat and gas supply service," the statement reads.
Presently, the repair work of Municipal Utility Service "Igilik" boiler house where one of the chimneys was damaged recently is being held. The emergency response and restoration services work on full restoration of the power in the town.
Thus, on Monday at 4 a.m. high-voltage power lines were restored and "KEGOC" JSC powered "Karatau-1" and "Karatau-2" electric substations. Besides, some additional works are still held at "Zhanatas" substation, Kazakh PM's website reported.
According to the akimat of the region, electricity supply has also been restored in some districts of Taraz. Almost all of the consumers of rural areas have now electricity in their houses in Baizak and Zhualyn districts.
"The work on restoration of high-voltage power lines of "Koltogan" electric substation will be conducted during the daytime as well as clearing snow from "B.Momyshuly-Koshkarata" road," the statement reads.
In accordance with the information of the press service, the rest of the localities damaged by the wind of Talas district and Sarysui district are still without electric power.
It should be noted that 7 tons of potatoes, 3 tons of rice, 1 ton of sugar, a ton of oil, 10 tons of flour and a ton of onion were allocated from the stabilization fund of the region and sent to Karatau and Zhanatas districts. The food for more than 5 thousand people was allocated.
Besides, water-carriers from Taraz delivered 23 thousand liters of drinking water for the people living in Karatau and Zhanatas districts and 3 tank-trucks from Zhambyl station with service water were sent additionally as well as 3 cisterns with 180 thousand liters from Shu station.
The groups on evaluating the damage have been established and now are working in the region. The work on clearing of streets is presently being held, damaged constructions, roofs of buildings are repaired.