Generally speaking, crisis is just beginning in world - Massimov

ASTANA-MOSCOW. March 2. KAZINFORM Generally speaking, the crisis is just beginning in the world, hence fundamental causes of the crisis in the world have not yet been overcome.

Kazakh Prime Minister Karim Massimov has expressed such an opinion in an interview with Russian RBC Channel.

Talking about the current status of the global economy and prospects, the Premier stressed that "those imbalances which led to the current problem are still far from their resolution".

According to him, the world's largest economies, first of all, the U.S.A. and EU, flooded economy with money, increased their deficits. The disease got a 'drug' of cash injections. Hence it is still very far to the real solution of the crisis. "In my opinion, there will be harder times ahead," the Prime Minister said.

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