Gennady Golovkin invested in business project in Karaganda (PHOTOS)

ASTANA. KAZINFORM - A coal improvement plant opened in Karaganda and Kazakhstani boxer Gennady Golovkin made investments in the project.

"We are launching a new production based on introduction of new technologies in coal industry. We believe that this production will be beneficial for the economy of the region. I think the competitiveness of our products will be high," Governor of Karaganda region Nurmukhambet Abdibekov said at the opening ceremony.

The capacity of the plant is 500 thousand tons a year. The founders of the project are "KAZ Ferret" LLP, Samruk-Kazyna Welfare Fund and Kazakhstani boxer Gennady Golovkin.

"I would say special thanks to co-founder of the plant Gennady Golovkin, who is making our region and our country worldwide recognized. He is also interested in development of our economy, and he contributed through such projects," the Governor of Karaganda region said.

According to G. Golovkin, there a person he trusts, who will be responsible for his business in Kazakhstan. Moreover, he fully trusts the team of specialists running this project.

"I am a co-founder of this project. Besides me, there are the other co-founders. I invested the money I made in my fights. Obviously, everything I make in foreign countries I bring home here. The coal sphere is familiar to me. My father had worked 35 years in the coal mine. This is a part of the history of my family," he said in his interview to journalists.

However, Gennady Golovkin said that he was considering the other business projects as well. He also added that he thought about investing in the sports sphere too. According to him, this does not mean that he was going to retire from boxing yet.

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