17:55, 05 January 2009 | GMT +6
Geoinformation system to be established: Statistics Department of Almaty city
ALMATY. January 5. KAZINFORM /Yelena Ilyinskaya / As is known, from February 25 till March 6, 2009 The National Census of the Republic of Kazakhstan will take place, which will be an integrated part of the World?s program of the census of population and housing stock of the year 2010, planned by the UNO for the period from 2005 till 2014. Its goal is to satisfy the information demand of users for the statistic data on the regional, national and international levels on the issues of demography, society and economy. Head of the city Statistics? Department Danar Raissov told our correspondent about preparations to this important state action in Almaty.
How does the preparation to this important state action go on, what are the tasks and how are the problems solved? Is the personnel and equipment staffed? Will you attract students, etc.?
As is known, the first national census of the country?s population in the independent Kazakhstan was held in 1999. Its results were studied in detail and taken into consideration. The census of 2009 will be organized simultaneously over all territory of Kazakhstan during ten days. On the basis of the plan of the national census? arrangements, approved by the Decree of the Kazakh Government, the network plan-schedule of the national census? arrangements is developed and approved in Almaty within the definite terms, the persons responsible for this arrangement are assigned.
Thus, for today the works of installing the boards on the streets and avenues of the city have already started. By the results of the preliminary visiting the city?s map is verified in the cross-section of the seven regions, including the new one ? Alatau region. The organizational plan of the census is compiled and approved? it is a very important document, which is the basis for preparation of performing the census and obtaining its results.
At present the census? staff is being recruited. The census is a substantive arrangement with a big number of people involved. Of course, the students of the universities, as a freer and very mobile part of population, are offered to work, and they will be enrolled with pleasure. Using this opportunity, I invite all willing to participate in the census. One has to be proud to participate in this action.
Besides, the census?s and instructor?s sectors are equipped with premises with phones and furniture by 87,5%. The Agency for Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan has sent us the census documentation. The attributes, necessary for a counter, are available in a sufficient amount: these are the scarves, portfolios and bages.
Is it possible to say that the coming census will be the basis for creating an integrated system of bases and studying the national content?
Creation of bases for studying the national content of the population is one of the tasks which will be solved using the materials of census. The geoinformational system is planned to be established by the results of the census. The census? materials will allow to obtain the unfold characteristics by gender, age, nationality, marital status, level of education, sources of living, social status, occupation, computer education. All these data have important practical, political and scientific significance.
Almaty is the biggest city of the country. What is the demographic ?portrait? of it by now? How far did the situation change by the time which passed after the census of 1999?
The remarkable feature of the range of the recent years of the ?after-census? period (census of 1999) is the development of positive trends in demographic processes in Almaty. The dynamics of annual filing witnesses the stable growth of the city inhabitants from 1129,3 thousands people by the moment of the census 1999 to 1353,1 thousands people by October 1 2008. The growth of the number of inhabitants in the biggest city of the country within this period has reached 19,8%, and in the course of the recent years the highest growth of population was observed in 2006, when it was 3,2%.
The number of population of Almaty city, in comparison with the last year, has grown by 40 thousands people and, according to the statistical data, it reached 1 mln 348 thousands 500 people by September 1 of that year, according to the press-service of Akim of Almaty city. One of the main factors of the city population growth is increasing the level of the birth rate. In particular, by the data of the Healthcare Department, within the period from January to October 2008 the number of born was 30 562 men, which is by 3 593 men more, than in the last year. In 2007 the number of the born was 26 969. The positive factor, which plays an important role in increasing the duration of life of the citizens, is the complex of measures for creating the optimal model of the city?s healthcare, construction of the medical centers by the program ?100 schools, 100 hospitals?, realization of plans of improving traumatological, cardiologic and anti-cancer assistance, provision of availability of the healthcare (free of charge medical aid), improving the quality of the medical aid.
The population census is a very important arrangement for the development of the state. It involves all citizens of the country. Therefore I want to address the householders to assist in preparation to the census, in particular, to fix the numbers of apartments on the doors, which will simplify the work of counters, and will serve to the apartments? owners in future. We are interested in census participation of all our citizens.
Thank you for the interview.