09:02, 12 January 2013 | GMT +5
Gerard Depardieu gets invitation to join Russian Communist Party
MOSCOW. January 12. KAZINFORM A senior functionary of Russia’s Communist Party has invited actor Gerard Depardieu, who early this month acquired Russian citizenship, to join the CPRF, Itar-Tass said.

“I have sent an official invitation to him earlier in the day,” CPRF Central Committee secretary Valery Rashkin said on the Russian News Service radio station on Friday.
“Depardieu said in an interview that his father was a Communist and that he feels great respect for him. I reckon he shares his ideas. Now he has Russian citizenship. Ours is a country of left-wing traditions. I felt it appropriate to invite him to join the Communist party,” Rashkin explained.
Earlier, Depardieu got an invitation to join the Pensioners’ Party from its leader Igor Izotov.