German FM unveils exhibition to mark 25th anniversary of fall of Berlin Wall in Astana

ASTANA. KAZINFORM Foreign Affairs Minister of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier unveiled in Astana an exhibition themed "Dictatorship and democracy in the age of extremities: a focus on European history in the XX century" in Astana on the day of the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

The exhibition showcased around the world highlights the events occurred in Europe in the 20th century as dramatic history between freedom and tyranny, democracy and dictatorship, the German Embassy's official Facebook Page reads. It presents a large number of photographs from European archives. It marks the conjunction of a number of anniversaries in 2014 which illustrate how closely intertwined national histories were in the "century of extremes": 100 years ago, World War I broke out; 75 years ago, Germany unleashed the Second World War; 25 years ago, the peaceful revolutions took place; and finally, 10 years ago, the EU saw its eastward enlargement. The exhibition will run until November 16 at the National Library of Kazakhstan. Admisison is free.

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