German specialists share experience in training vocational school teachers

ALMATY. February 6. KAZINFORM /Aigul Turysbekova/ ?The main purpose of the project ?Regional network of teachers training (professional pedagogy/didactics) in Central Asian countries? is modernization of training system of vocational education teachers in Kazakhstan?, project coordinator Thomas Luks has said today in Almaty, Kazinform reports.
The project was organized be the German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) that is a federal organization, engaged in international cooperation for sustainable development of the society and support of complex reforms and change processes. The international seminar takes place in the Almaty Humanities and Technical University. T.Luks noted that there is a close relationship between the employers and educational institutions in Germany. Final exam is a very important moment. An independent authority ? Industrial-Trade Chamber of Germany takes it. President of the University Nurtaza Shametov informed that development and approbation of all educational-methodic documents will be held at the University. Dresden Technical University is the main consultant.
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