10:05, 23 March 2021 | GMT +5
Girl trapped by avalanche in Russia’s Murmansk region dies - Investigative Committee
MOSCOW. KAZINFORM A girl trapped in snow in an avalanche in the Murmansk region, Russia’s north-west, has died despite all efforts to save her life, a source from the press service of the criminal investigation division at the Russian Investigative Committee’s Murmansk region center told TASS.

«Efforts to resuscitate her failed, the girl has died,» the source said, TASS reports.
According to the emergencies ministry’s regional office, a group of 16 tourists had been registered for a route in Khibiny Mountains in the Murmansk region. Information came at 6 pm, local time, that a teenager, born in 2008, had been trapped in an avalanche. The other members of the group did not need medical assistance.
A team of rescuers, including a canine team, headed for the site. Overall, 53 people, assisted by 18 pieces of hardware and 11 snowmobiles took part in the search-and-rescue operation. After the teenager was found, rescuers attempted to resuscitate her, but their efforts failed.