Global stability concept presented in Almaty

ALMATY. September 4. KAZINFORM - Kazakhstan continues to consistently and steadily contribute to the cause of disarmament and non-proliferation, which is expressed not only in the active anti-nuclear position but also in new specific cases.

This has been announced today by the participants of "round table" themed "Kazakhstan in the XXI century. Nuclear-Free World", dedicated to the 22 anniversary of the President's Decree on the closure of the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site (SNTS).

"Polygon-29 August" international public fund, the Department of Public Information of the United Nations Mission in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs representative office in Almaty are the organizers of the event.

"More than 20 years ago the people of Kazakhstan made a fundamental choice in favor of a world free of nuclear weapons. Within 40 years at the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site were carried out about 500 nuclear explosions. Half a million of people suffered from the effects of harmful testings and vast territory was contaminated by radiation. So far, we are acutely feeling the effects of that trials", noted the forum participant.

"Polygon" fund introduced the idea of ​​the concept for global stability including the establishment of nuclear-free zones on the planet, reducing and eliminating nuclear weapons on the ground, in the atmosphere, in the seas and the oceans etc.

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