Government reviewed results and prospects of implementation of Employment Program

ASTANA. December 11. KAZINFORM Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Serik Akhmetov chaired a session of the Government focused on the results and prospects of implementation of the Employment - 2020 Program and the draft Law "On public services". Minister of Labor and Social Protection of Population Serik Abdenov delivered a report on the process of implementation of the Employment - 2020 Program.

"The number of people willing to take part in the Program increased by 66% this year. The number of signed social contracts increased by 70% as well. The number of law-income rural population participating in the Program has increased twofold," S.Abdenov told.

According to the Minister, employment indicators of the first direction of the Program (training and employment assistance for self-employed, unemployed and low-income people) were essentially increased as well. Kazakh PM's site informs.

"Over 63 thousand people were embraced with professional training. If only a half of the people who underwent training were employed last year, this year the number of employed population reached 20 thousand people or 82%. 52 thousand people were employed at government financed jobs and sent to youth practice. Thereat, the number of employers creating government financed jobs increased four times," the Minister noted.

About 6 thousand people underwent training under the second direction of the Program (support of rural business development). 6.2 thousand people obtained micro credits. The volume of funds allocated for crediting population was increased 3.5 times and reached 12.4 billion tenge. Over 2 thousand people moved from one region to the other and were employed under the third direction of the Program (increase of mobility of labor resources).            

Under the fourth direction (rural areas development), over 7 thousand new jobs were created in rural areas in 2012. More than 4 thousand people were employed. Construction of 550 social and utilities infrastructure facilities was completed.

S.Abdenov also told about the measures taken to improve the mechanisms of the Program implementation.  

Summing up the Minister's report, S.Akhmetov gave a number of specific instructions.

"I charge the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population and the other interested state agencies to accelerate the process of amendment of the Employment - 2020 Program. Special attention should be paid to the efficiency of taken measures and control over their execution. Besides, it is necessary to introduce a system of the Program efficiency assessment," the Prime Minister emphasized.

Presenting the draft Law "On public services", Minister of Economic Development and Trade Yerbolat Dossayev told about its peculiarities.  

In particular, the bill provides for public discussion of the draft standard of public services which is planned to be published on the internet-resource of the state agency and the e-government portal. Any service recipient can submit proposals and remarks to the state bodies.

The bill also provides for an opportunity to conduct public monitoring over the quality and assess the quality of public services.

The bill also proposes to decentralize the Government's powers on approval of the public service standards by means of transfer of this function to the state bodies. This will simplify their work on timely upgrade of public services and improve their quality.

At the end of discussions, the Cabinet members approved the bill.       


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