13:23, 17 December 2009 | GMT +5
Government takes measures for development of agriculture
ASTANA. December 17. KAZINFORM /Muratbek Makulbekov/ In pursuance of instructions of the Head of the State on the development of agriculture the Government implements a complex of measures on stable development of agricultural complex of Kazakhstan for 2009-2011.

The project on construction of elevators with capacity of simultaneous storage of 100 thousand tons of grain is implemented under the plans on development of grain export in Kazakhstan.
The extension of fruit and vegetable production with the use of drop irrigation will provide an optimal water-air balance of soil and will raise productivity up to 50-70 per cent.
Taking into account the industrial potential of the eastern region and qualified personnel the project on the build of "Belarus" tractors which will give a new impulse for the creation of new production in agriculture is financed in Semey.