GOVERNMENT Weekly REVIEW. Kazakhstan celebrates Independence Day. Action Plan on formation of Single Economic Space signed at the CIS Informal Summit in Almaty. Massimov pays working visit to W Kazakhstan.

ASTANA 11 December KAZINFORM /Rizvana Sadykova/  On December 13 Head of the State Nursultan Nazarbayev paid a working visit to Turkmenistan. Presidents of Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan Nursultan Nazarbayev and Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov negotiated the issues of bilateral cooperation in the narrow format. Speaking about the bilateral cooperation the Head of the State noted that there are no problems between Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. The Kazakh President also told about the construction of "Uzen-Gyzylgaya-Bereket-Etrek-Gorgan" railway connecting Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan.

This transport corridor is aimed at improvement of conditions of transiting to European countries, Iran, Turkey, and Gulf states. The meeting continued behind closed doors. Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev took part in the launching ceremony of gas pipeline officially titled "Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan-Kazakhstan-China".  "Implementation of the "Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan-Kazakhstan-China" project has big political and economic significance for the whole region. It is a bright example of mutually beneficial cooperation and partnership of our countries", N.Nazarbayev said. He noted that positions of Central Asian region will strengthen in the world energy system with the pipeline launching. Kazakhstan as reliable partner and responsible participant of the regional cooperation will strengthen multilateral interaction in the issues of hydrocarbons transit through its territory to the third countries, in that case to China. The Head of the State noted social aspect of this project. "1.3 thousand km passes on Kazakhstan. It is not only the pipeline, but roads, electric lines, communication lines, thousand employed people, new settlements, i.e. it is great benefit for the people of our countries", the Head of Kazakhstan said. President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov named the pipeline as one of the most ambitious energy projects of the modernity. 7 thousand km were laid in difficult climate conditions in the shortest time. According to him, dozens large foreign companies participated in the pipeline construction. In President Berdimuhamedov's opinion, it is important that the pipeline will make big positive influence on the general situation in the region and will be a security factor in Asia, will give additional steadiness for the political and economic ties system of the continent. President of the People's Republic of China Hu Jintao noted that cooperation in the field of energy activated in these latter days, and the pipeline is one of the significant joint projects. "We will apply efforts for all-round development of the cooperation of all countries in the energy field, achievement of st6able development of our countries' energy industry, and for long-term, stable and reliable relations in the energy sphere", Hu Jintao said. Uzbekistan President Islam Karimov noted that this construction project will become the history of the XXI century. He assured that Uzbekistan will ensure reliable, secure transit of the Turkmen gas to Kazakhstan and then to China. 

Among Kazakhstan's politicians who have made the greatest contribution to the development of the state "Politician of the Year" was awarded to President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. Director General of the Association of Sociologists and Political Scientists Bakhytzhamal Bekturganova has made it public at a special press conference devoted to the results of public opinion polls held through the country in December. "Besides, the Head of the State was recognized the best crisis manager of the year. More than 50% of respondents consider him as a principal manager, with whom the situation in the country's economy stabilized. Personal rating of Kazakh Prime Minister Karim Massimov is 42%, the rating of the Government is 40.8%. Almost every second respondent trusts the Government and Prime Minister", Mrs. Bekturganova said. Summing up the results of the year she noted that it can be considered almost safe. More than 35% of respondents think "the year was difficult, but we safely come out of the crisis." Among the most popular state programs is "100 schools, 100 hospitals" project. The most important events are the completion of the first stage of Road Map program, creation of the Customs Union, President's Address to the Nation and President's hotline with the citizens in live broadcast.

On the eve of the main holiday of the country - the Independence Day President Nazarbayev handed over state awards and prizes to a group of distinguished countrymen. The Head of the State noted that today we greet new owners of the top award - the title "Enbek Ery" ("Hero of Labor"). Writer, Kazakh Senate Deputy Abish Kekelbayev, Head of "Karken" agricultural enterprise of Kostanay region Sairan Bukanov, President of "Ust-Kamenogorsk Titanium Magnesium Plant" JSC Bagdat Shayakhmetov are among them. Kazakh Vice minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Lyazzat Kiinova, Kostanay region Governor Sergey Kulagin were awarded "Otan" Order. The Order of the First President of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev was handed over to Head of the President's Office Makhmut Kasymbekov. Governor of North Kazakhstan region Serik Belyalov, Governor of Mangystau region Krymbek Kusherbayev, First Deputy Chairman of "Nur Otan" National Democratic Party Nurlan Nigmatulin presented "Barys" Order of the second degree. Poetess Fariza Ongarsynova awarded "Dostyk" Order of the second degree. The state prize in the field of science and technology was handed over to Director of the National Nuclear Center Kairat Kadyrzhanov, Deputy Director of the Center Alexander Borisenko and others.           

Head of State attended a festive occasion dedicated to the 18th anniversary of Kazakhstan's Independence. The festive occasion was held in new Central Concert Hall "Kazakhstan". The Head of the State opened the event. "Kazakhstan marks it's the most major holiday - the Independence Day. New state - the Republic of Kazakhstan - appeared on the political map of the world on December 16, 1991. We chose freedom and independence, because we wanted to create our future by ourselves, because we were able for more", President Nazarbayev noted in the welcome speech. As the President emphasized, we started our own Kazakhstan's way, which was approved and recognized by the world community. "And over 18 years we put into life our plans, creating new Kazakhstan - the state of our dream and hope, the state, which ensures, protects interests of its citizens, the state, which strengthens its security, the state, position of which is acknowledged and taken into account by the world community, the state, which has strategic vision, the state with powerful potential, the state, which is able to solve difficult problems of the modernity", the Head of the State said. He also noted that over the years of independence there was carried out transformation of the post-Soviet economy into the market economy, which opened new opportunities in the system of economic relations for Kazakhstan. "At the end of the first decade of Independence Kazakhstan was recognized the country with market economy. In 5 years dynamical development of our economy was highly appraised by the international expert community. And today leading world financial institutions highly appraise the measures taken by Kazakhtsan on countering the global and powerful financial economic crisis. We prevented recession in 2009. We strengthened the Kazakh statehood, maintained the unity of the nation, implemented the strategy of modernization, constructed contemporary market economy", Kazakh President said. 

On the eve of Independence Day Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Kazakhstan to the Russian Federation Zautbek Turisbekov along with 12 heads of other diplomatic missions presented credentials to President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev. The presentation ceremony took place in the Grand Kremlin Palace's St Alexander Hall.  Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov and Assistant to the Russian President Sergey Prihodko also took part in the ceremony. D. Medvedev addressed to the heads of foreign diplomatic missions with a welcoming speech. "Today's presentation of letters of credence opens a new chapter in your diplomatic work. I sincerely wish you success and hope that Russia's bilateral relations with your countries will develop effectively. We are now in the process of building a new financial architecture and looking together for ways to guarantee the world's economic stability, and in this respect our coordinated action will play an ever more important part", - he said. Addressing to the Head of Kazakhstani diplomatic mission President Medvedev congratulated Kazakhstan on the Independence Day and touched the issues of further cooperation. "Today our good friend and ally, Kazakhstan, is celebrating its Independence Day national holiday. We remain committed to our priority of strengthening our strategic partnership with Kazakhstan. This year, we established the customs union between Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus. This is a big new step that will without doubt become one of the central pillars for long-term economic growth and the nucleus of modern integration development", - the Russian President said.

On December 19 a two-day informal meeting of the CIS states' heads opened in Almaty. The Presidents of Armenia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan have already arrived. In whole the heads of seven CIS states took part in the informal summit. The issues of regional interaction and struggle against modern challenges and threats, progress of economic cooperation, including the process of Customs Union formation within the framework of the EurAsEC and creation of a single economic space between Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia are on the agenda. Besides, the leaders of the states will exchange opinions on provision of economic, humanitarian and political security in the region on the threshold of the EurAsEC's 10 anniversary and beginning of Kazakhstan's chairmanship in the OSCE in 2010. It is necessary to continue practice of informal meetings, Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev at the informal meeting of the CIS states in Almaty on Saturday.  He reminded that one of such meetings held in Sochi laid the foundation for EurAsEC formation and another held in Borovoye - to creation of the Customs Union. The President of Kazakhstan emphasized that it would be useful to exchange opinions on the issues of regional security as well.

A joint declaration on creation of the Customs Union between Kazakhstan, Belarus and Russia and an Action Plan on formation of the Single Economic Space was signed at the CIS Informal Summit in Almaty. For the first time ever an official document was signed at the informal summit, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said at the meeting of the Heads of CIS states. The document was signed by the presidents of the three states Nursultan Nazarbayev, Alexander Lukashenko and Dmitry Medvedev. The President of Kazakhstan declared that the Customs Union was finally established. "Having considered the information of the members of the Commission and EurAsEC Secretary General on preparation of the Action Plan on formation of the Single Economic Space the Interstate Council of the Heads of the States decided to adopt this Plan. The governments of the three states together with the Commission of the Customs Union have to ensure implementation of the Action Plan and inform the EurAsEC Interstate Council on time", N. Nazarbayev noted. The Kazakh leader emphasized that the creation of the Customs Union was the second stage of the integration process. The first one was the free trade area. The third will be a common market, single economic space followed by an economic union by the type of the European Union. The governments of the three states prepared an Action Plan on formation of the Single Economic Space and Joint Declaration of the heads of the states that the Customs Union enters into force on January 1, 2010. First Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Umirzak Shukeyev said it at the CIS Informal Summit in Almaty. He noted that all EurAsEC member states have an opportunity to join the Customs Union. "The date of final formation of the Single Economic Space - January 1, 2012 - is fixed in the Joint Declaration. The governments of the three states will do every effort to enter the WTO", the Vice Premier stressed.

There should be no slowdown in the process of integration. President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko has said it at the CIS Informal Summit. "Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan announced that they are working together over the corresponding projects and ready to join the Customs Union", President Lukashenko said.  He noted that it was important not to lose the pace of integration. "Formation of the Single Economic Space will be a qualitatively new historic step on the way towards further integration, and slowdown is unacceptable here", the President of Belarus stressed. Belarus also insists on holding all activities on formation of the Single Economic Space within one year.

Yesterday Kazakh Prime Minister Massimov arrived with a working visit to Uralsk, West Kazakhstan region. He took part in opening of Karachaganak - Uralsk gas pipeline, visit the vegetable oil plant "Batys Kunbagys" JSC. The plant was put into service on December 14 during the republican teleconference on the issues of agro-industrial complex. The construction of the KZT 2.4 billion project was started in September 2008. Its payback period is 4.5 years. Within his visit to West Kazakhstan Machine-Building Company JSC Prime Minister got familiarized with the activity of several enterprises including "Uralskagroremmash" JSC, "Uralsk plant Zenit" JSC and Kazakhstan Engineering JSC. The technologies of repair of turbine rotors of low and high pressure, recovery of turbine clips, repair of combustion chambers and gas-bearing units are applied at these enterprises. The Company plans to start production of pumping units and gas turbine power stations having no analogues in Kazakhstan. Kazakh Premier Massimov chaired the session of the State Commission for Economy Moderization held in West Kazakhstan Agricultural & Technical University. "The tasks given by the President of Kazakhstan at the XII Congress of Nur Otan People's Democratic Party have been successfully implemented. Today we have considered three sections of the new industrial innovation program - development of machine building, chemical industry and tariff formation in natural monopolies.", Premier Massimov emphasized.


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