GOVERNMENT Weekly REVIEW. State Budget 2010-2012 signed. II Congress of the Workers of Ore-Mining Industry held. Prime Minister Massimov visited Moscow.

Alongside the Premier noted necessity of working more hard in the nearest future, and take control over prices in January.
The same day Prime Minister launched first locomotive of Evolution series at Astana locomotive-assembly plant. "Several months ago President Nursultan Nazarbayev gave start to this project. And today on the threshold of the Independence Day we witness the first result", the Premier said. In turn Director of the Plant Tleuzhan Meiramgalin noted there were 1,200 units of high-technological equipment at the venture. 269 people are working at the plant to date, the Director said. The Locomotive Assembly Plant is a large project being realized by Kazakhstan Temir Zholy JSC together with General Electric American Company. The investments in construction of the plant made KZT 10 bln. 28 locomotives are planned to be produced in 2010, eight of them will be exported to the CIS countries, Baltic States and Mongolia. By 2014 the capacity of the venture will make 100 locomotives per year, 30 of them will be exported.
In this connection we would like to bring news that Kazakhstan has agreed on transit of about three million tones of grain through China to the Southeast Asian countries. According to First Vice Prime Minister Umirzak Shukeyev, there was considered a wide range of issues in the course of the negotiations. "Among important issues was our request on transit through the territory of China about three mln tones of grain to the Southeast Asian countries", he noted. Umirzak Shukeyev informed that after long discussions there was given an instruction to the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture, the Chinese company and railways to consider this issue and find opportunity for transit and work over the issue on the domestic consumption of China. "It is very significant decision, we are going to have a new direction of grain export", U.Shukeyev emphasized.
Head of the State Nursultan Nazarbayev signed the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On State Budget for 2010-2012" worked out on the basis of the annual addresses of the President to the nation, in accordance with the standards of the Budget Code and with account of the forecast of socio-economic development and budget parameters for 2010-2014;
On Tuesday, the Security Council held its session in Akorda Palace. We must introduce some changes in work of the Security Council, President Nursultan Nazarbayev has said opening the Council's session. "The Security Council was established in 1991 by my decree. Huge work has been done since that time. We dealt with important issues both in internal and foreign policy and discussed operative issues and took crucial decisions. Alongside, I think that today the Council has lost its dynamics. We must introduce changes in its activity", the Head of the State said. The agenda of the sitting covers the following issues: improvement of the Council's work, the strategy of the country's post-crisis development and preparation for the OSCE presidency in 2010. President Nazarbayev has entrusted the Council of Security with certain tasks on improving its activity, as Marat Tazhin, Secretary of the Council informed at a briefing after the session. "In the course of the sitting the President highlighted the growing role of the structures which are responsible for strategic planning and forecast amid the modern conditions when the entire world faces serious changes in economy, policy, and the changes in public institutions. And the Security Council is that synthetic body in the majority of the countries which specializes in analysis and forecast of the situation", M. Tazhin said. He informed the journalists of the tasks given by the President to the Council. They are primarily connected with improvement and strengthening of the Security Council's activity including its apparatus. "We will need new information, analytical structures under the Security Council. The activity of the interdepartmental structures will also be changed", he added. As earlier reported, the agenda of the sitting included the following issues: improvement of the Council's work, the strategy of the country's post-crisis development and preparation for the OSCE presidency in 2010.
The Head of the State also signed the Law On amendments to some legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on protection of the citizens' rights of privacy. The document aims at adoption of additional measures on protection of the citizens' rights of privacy guaranteed by the Constitution.
On December 10, Astana hosted delegates of the II Congress of the Workers of Ore-Mining Industry. Prime Minister Karim Massimov addressing the participants of the II Congress reminded that the state had cut the rate of taxation for the ore-mining ventures amid the crisis. He also warned the metallurgists not to expect reduction of tax rates in case if they raise the prices for the products. The ore-mining ventures had to raise their profitability through increasing the productivity of labor and implementation of new technologies. The Premier reminded that the period from late 2008 though early 2009 were very difficult. "It was challenge of the world financial crisis, challenge to our country, test of strength", the Premier said. He emphasized that in this period, he often met with workers of the ore mining industry and took difficult decisions. Market outlets have broken down; prices on the ore mining industry products have fallen two- or threefold. Prime Minister Karim Massimov calls on Kazakhstani ventures to invest actively in ensuring security at the productions. President of ENRC Management KZ Felix Vulis, who participated the II Congress of the Workers of Ore-Mining Industry informed that ENRC (ENRC consists of Kazakhstan Electrolysis Plant, Kazkhrom TNK, Aluminum Kazakhstan JSC, Zhairem GOK JSC, Euro-Asian Energy Corporation, Sokolov-Sarybay mining production as well as ENRC Logistics and ENRC Marketing & Sales) plans to commission the second stage of Pavlodar Electrolysis Plant in Q1 2010, "The first stage with the capacity of 125, 000 tons per year was launched in late 2007. To date we produce around 510 tons of aluminum per day", he said. According to him, the project on building the electrolysis plant in Pavlodar provides for production of 250,000 tons of aluminum per year beginning from the first quarter of 2010.
That very day Karim Massimov arrived in Moscow where he held a meeting with Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov in the capital of the Russian Federation. The parties exchanged opinions on the issues of cooperation between Kazakhstan and Russia, particularly on realization of the existing potential between the capitals of the two states and implementation of investment projects.
This week K. Massimov also met with the management of Russia's Vnesheconombank and Sberbank. At the meeting with Chairman of Vnesheconomobank Vladimir Dmitriyev the parties exchanged opinions on the current situation in the international financial markets and the prospects of interaction of the Kazakh and Russian development institutes in the sphere of investments. The PM congratulated V. Dmitriyev on the 85th anniversary of the Russian Vnesheconombank. At the meeting with Chairman of Sberbank German Gref the parties focused on bilateral cooperation in banking sphere and activity of Sberbank in the Kazakh market. Upon completion of the meetings Massimov expressed confidence in further development of fruitful cooperation in banking and financial spheres between Kazakhstan and Russia.
On Thurday, Kazakh Secretary of State - Foreign Minister Kanat Saudabayev arrived in Berlin, Germany, with a working visit. He held negotiations with Deputy Chancellor and German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle. The results of these negotiations are an evidence of striving to extension and deepening of interaction between Kazakhstan and Germany. The Agreement on exemption of visa requirements for diplomatic passport holders and the Agreement on readmission signed between the Kazakh Government and the German Government witnesses this fact. Speaking at the press conference the German Deputy Chancellor complemented the intensity of the bilateral political, cultural and other relations. The Kazakh Secretary of State in his turn expressed gratitude to the German side for the opportunity to discuss topical issues of bilateral cooperation and opportunities for joint work of two countries at the international arena. The Kazakh Foreign Minister noted that Kazakhstan was presented in economic, cultural, humanitarian and technical aspects in Germany this year. He also stressed that our country looks forward to the beginning of the Year of Germany in Kazakhstan.