Great Steppe Exhibition unveils Kazakh Culture Days in Tatarstan

ASTANA. KAZINFORM The Great Steppe: History and Culture exhibition was unveiled in Kazan inaugurating Kazakh Culture Days in Tatarstan.

The Golden Man Tour Around the World's Museums exhibition with support and organization of Kazakhstan and Tatarstan Culture Ministries and Kazakh Film Days were solemnly unveiled in Kazan. The Golden Man exhibition is open to public until April 15.

The movies such as the Road to Mother, Oralman, Talan, Amre, etc., will be screened there. The enrty is free.

The Great Steppe: History and Culture exhibition unveiled in Kazan under the Golden Man Tour Around the World's Museums project. It features the so-called Golden Man, the symbol of Kazakhstan. The collection consists of 127 archeological findings dated back to the Early Iron Age. The exhibition was demonstrated in Minsk, Moscow, Baku, Gdansk and Seoul. This year it will be opened at the museums of Uzbekistan, Malaysia, Georgia, Spain, Italy, etc.


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