GRECO experts assess Kazakhstan’s progress in 1st report on implementation of anti-corruption recommendations

 GRECO experts positively assess Kazakhstan’s progress in 1st report on implementation of anti-corruption recommendations
Photo credit: Anti-Corruption Agency of Kazakhstan

At the 96th Plenary Session of the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) in Strasbourg, France, Kazakhstan presented the country’s first report on the progress of implementation of the GRECO’s recommendations. Kazakhstan’s report was adopted by a decision of the GRECO Plenary Meeting, Kazinform News Agency learned from Anti-Corruption Agency.

Kazakhstan became the only Central Asian state to join GRECO among 46 European countries and the U.S.

 GRECO experts positively assess Kazakhstan’s progress in 1st report on implementation of anti-corruption recommendations
Photo credit: Anti-Corruption Agency of Kazakhstan

The experts positively assessed the work carried out by Kazakhstani authorities on improvement of anti-corruption legislation, including the return of illegally acquired assets, compiling a list of beneficial owners, enhancing guarantees for whistleblowers, regulation of civil servants’ rule of conduct etc.

Following the first and second round of evaluation, GRECO issued 27 recommendations for Kazakhstan concerning: comprehensive studies to identify systemic risks of corruption, structured involvement of the non-governmental sector in the anti-corruption movement, ensuring transparency in decision-making by government agencies, strengthening the independence of anti-corruption structures, improving legislation on resolving conflicts of interest, preventing corruption in public procurement.

The goal of the organization is to improve anti-corruption policy of member countries, by developing appropriate recommendations with the consideration of anti-corruption conventions’ requirements.

Kazakhstan has another 18 months to adopt legislative and practical measures to improve its anti-corruption policy as part of implementation of recommendations.

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