Head of Foreign Policy Center at Presidential Administration appointed
"By the Head of State's order, Satybaldy Burshakov has been appointed as Head of the Foreign Policy Center at the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan," the statement said.
By the Head of State's order, Adil Tursunov has been relieved of his post as Head of the Foreign Policy Center at the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan due to a transfer to another appointment.
Satybaldy Burshakov was born in 1968. He graduated from the Almaty Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages with a degree in English and Russian Teaching. He completed an internship at the Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael and courses at the Foreign Service Academy (Islamabad). Diplomatic rank: Counselor, Second Class.
He worked as a professor at the Kazakh State University of International Relations and World Languages. Satybaldy Burshakov rose through the ranks from Assistant at the Kazakhstan Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Counselor of the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Kingdom of Belgium.
He also served as Deputy Head of the Inter-Parliamentary Relations and International Cooperation Department of the Kazakh Senate Office. Prior to the new appointment, he headed the above-mentioned department.