Head of OSCE Centre in Kazakhstan spoke to young journalists in Almaty

ALMATY. September 4. KAZINFORM - Today in Almaty at the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, at the Department of Journalism, there has taken place a meeting with the Head of the OSCE in Kazakhstan on the issues of tolerance in multicultural societies.

Thus, the event was held in the context of understanding the role of media in promoting tolerance. Speaking at the meeting, the head of the OSCE Centre in Kazakhstan Natalya Zarudnaya and the special representative of the OSCE Chairman Tatyana Izhevskaya told about the situation in the republic in the designated area .

Mrs. Zarudnaya noted as positive the fact of establishing in Almaty the Central Asian Youth Network, which has become the interactive platform for students of Kazakhstan, neighboring countries in the region, Afghanistan, as well as experts in Switzerland , Spain, Norway and Italy. OSCE expert answered questions from the audience. She also shared her personal wealth of experience, and encouraged future journalists to study the history of the region and develop advanced technologies in order to improve civil society at the national and regional levels.

The OSCE Centre in Kazakhstan is the authoritative organization, the basic tools and techniques of which are a dialogue, persuasion, and moral suasion. The center's employees support the initiative of President Nursultan Nazarbayev to the "green" economy, migration and gender politics.

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