Head of State instructs to craft Karaganda long-term development strategy
At the Friendship House of Karaganda, after the region's ethnocultural associations reported to the President of Kazakhstan on their current activities, he had a meeting with the public of the region. The Head of State highlighted the positive dynamics of the economic indicators of the region's development.
"Over the past five years, 1.7 million square meters of housing have been placed in service. In terms of the pace of housing construction, the region ranks fourth in the country," Nursultan Nazarbayev pointed out.
The President of Kazakhstan underlined that Karaganda region is the most urbanized region of the country, and stressed the importance of developing social infrastructure in all of its settlements.
The Head of State emphasized the issues of further implementation of the country's strategic development programs aimed at utilizing its transit and transport potential and enhancing the social welfare of the people.
Following a report of the Governor of Karaganda region and discussion with representatives of the public, Nursultan Nazarbayev pointed to the need of addressing a number of key tasks to ensure the further economic growth of the region.
"A special economic zone is operating in the region. As of today, 15 participants, only 6 of which are operating enterprises, have been registered in the SEZ. I instruct the Regional Administration to work out effective measures to boost the potential of the SEZ. It is necessary to involve big anchor investors in the construction, chemical and medical industries, as well as in metalworking industry," said the President of Kazakhstan.
Alongside this, the Head of State reminded of enterprises' social responsibility for improving the people's lives.
Nursultan Nazarbayev also instructed to develop the production of the most sought-after goods and services being imported.
"It is planned to introduce the elements of Industry 4.0 at 4 large enterprises, while 2 enterprises are defined as model digital factories. Robotization, artificial intelligence, the Industrial Internet will increase productivity and competitiveness of products. Work in this regard should be conducted on an ongoing basis," the President of Kazakhstan emphasized.
Besides, Nursultan Nazarbayev instructed to intensify work on digitalization of public services, craft a long-term strategy for the development of Karaganda city and the respective implementation roadmap.
Mentioning a crucial role of business in the country's economy, the President instructed to develop the Karaganda Region Business Development Map and actively involve the population in entrepreneurship in the furtherance of the Productive Employment and Mass Entrepreneurship Support Program and the 2020 Business Roadmap.
In the course of the meeting, Nursultan Nazarbayev also entrusted the Regional Administration to address new public-private partnership projects.
The President of Kazakhstan dwelt on the implementation of the Five Social Initiatives and instructed to ensure the further implementation at a proper level. In this respect, Nursultan Nazarbayev drew attention to plans to resolve the issues in higher education, public health, housing construction, and develop the tourist potential of the region.
In addition, the Head of State pointed to the need to provide the rural population with high-quality drinking water.
Also, at the meeting, Nursultan Nazarbayev emphasized the issues of heat supply, environmental safety in the region, and the introduction of green technologies.
"In the region, about 600,000 tons of harmful substances are emitted into the atmosphere every year. It is a quarter of all emissions in the country. I instruct the Regional Administration, together with the Government, to take comprehensive measures for improving the environmental situation," said the President of Kazakhstan.
In conclusion, Nursultan Nazarbayev dwelt on the country's achievements in strengthening the unity of the people and stressed the special importance of implementing state programs to ensure the further development of the region.