Head of State Tokayev briefed on measures against corruption

Photo: Akorda

Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev had a meeting with Chairman of the Anti-corruption Agency Askhat Zhumagali, Kazinform News Agency cites Akorda.

Zhumagali briefed the Kazakh President about the measures taken to combat corruption.

It was reported that since the beginning of the year, 947 corruption-related crimes have been reported, with 660 persons having been convicted, of whom 104 are managers of different levels. 193.5 billion tenge has been reimbursed within the criminal cases settled.

In general, property assets and funds to the tune of 1.03 trillion tenge have been returned to the state and quasi-sector entities since 2022.

This year, 113 reports following analysis and monitoring in education, science, sport, procurement of pharmaceuticals, construction and land allocation have been prepared. The government bodies have issued over one thousand recommendations and proposals aimed at eliminating corruption risks.

As part of preventive measures, including via monitoring of the Single procurement window portal, irrational use of budget funds worth over 31 billion tenge has been prevented.

Under the Bizneske zhil project, the rights of around 7.5 thousand entrepreneurs have been protected, 67 problematic cases have been settled.

Zhumagali also informed about the implementation of the instruction to eliminate corruption practices in the road sector. The pilot project on ‘money coloring’ is set to be carried out in socially significant spheres, including road construction.

The Anti-corruption Agency Chairman said that since the beginning of the year four memoranda of cooperation have been signed with anti-corruption authorities of Qatar, Hong Kong, Azerbaijan and Russia. The documents are aimed at strengthening partnerships in providing legal assistance, returning assets, searching for persons, monitoring intended use of budget funds and procurements.

Following the meeting, the Head of State gave a number of instructions.

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