Head of State wished Orthodox Christians Merry Christmas

Dear, countrymen and women!
I congratulate Orthodox Christians and all Kazakhstanis on Merry Christmas.
Kind and respectful attitude of the state to the spiritual aspirations of its citizens is one of the most important foundations of religious harmony in our country. Building on the timeless truths of humanity, morality, mutual respect and support, we have created the conditions for the development of all faiths, to maintain peace and harmony in our common home - the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The past year, I am sure, will become a bright chapter in the annals of our country. It was a year of great work, successful programs and ambitious goals for the future. We achieved significant success in economic, political and social spheres. We have announced the Strategy "Kazakhstan-2050". This is a future that is open to all Kazakhstan goodwill.
Today, Orthodox Christians, constituting an integral part of the Kazakhstan society, making a significant contribution to the socio-economic and spiritual development, harmonization of inter-religious relations in the country.
A Christmas season, keeping the eternal moral values, bringing the hearts of men love and compassion, spirituality and purity of mind, contribute to the manifestation in Kazakhstani high qualities of mutual respect, excellence and accomplishment of good works.
May the love for one's neighbors, for the people, for the country strengthen and unite us all.
I wish you, dear compatriots, good health, vitality and strength of mind, boundless energy and good success in your endeavors!