Healthcare Ministry does not exclude new A/H1N1 flu cases in Kazakhstan

ASTANA. December 29. KAZINFORM /Dimash Syzdykov/ Ministry of Healthcare of Kazakhstan does not exclude a possibility that A/H1N1 flue was brought by students to Kazakhstan; Minister of Healthcare Zhaksylyk Doskaliyev has informed of it at the press-conference today following the results of the Ministry's activity for 2009.

According to him new cases of this infection are possible in the short run because the major part of students return to Kazakhstan for their vacations. In this regard all sanitary-epidemiological service and healthcare structure as a whole work in medium security.

The Minister of Healthcare especially underlined that A/H1N1 flu is not a contrived infection. According to the World Healthcare Organization 2 345 people worldwide died of this flu. "Fortunately, Kazakhstan did not register fatal cases caused by this infection but it should be treated with peculiar attention", - Zh. Doskaliyev noted.

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