20:13, 02 December 2009 | GMT +5
High level of integration allows EurAsEC states to adequately meet external economic challenges - Majilis Speaker
ANA. December 2. KAZINFORM /Muratbek Makulbekov/ The high level of integration and successful cooperation allows our countries to meet adequately external economic challenges. Kazakh Majilis Chairman Ural Mukhamedzhanov has said it at the session of the Bureau of the EurAsEC Interparliamentary Assembly.

"Created on the Kazakh President's initiative, the EurAsEC is a progressive model of the economic community", U.Mukhamedzhanov noted.
He emphasized that in the global recession the EurAsEC member-states escaped negative variants of development, maintained steadiness of the national economies and financial systems. In his opinion, the important role played cooperation, mutual support and use of integration advantages.
According to the Speaker, the Anti-Crisis Fund, Eurasian Development Bank and Center of High Technologies play important role in it.
U.Mukhamedzhanov emphasized that dynamical reforms and effective integration are impossible without legal infrastructure.