Hillary Clinton accepts nomination with 'boundless confidence in America's promise'

There were no gimmicks. No more videos of breaking glass. Just a familiar face in a trademark white suit, standing in a very unfamiliar spot.
"When there are no ceilings, the sky's the limit," she acknowledged briefly, before, eventually, the ceiling seemed to fall in, covering the floor of Philadelphia's Wells Fargo arena in a carpet of red, white and blue balloons so thick, the candidate almost disappeared from view.
By the end of an hour-long acceptance speech, there were children on stage; some of them, daughters smuggled in by fathers to witness an undoubted leap forward along the long road to equality in America.
Clinton herself dwelled little on the symbolism of her acceptance speech - save for a cry of ‘Deal me in!" which was taken up lustily by the crowd. Instead, she went straight to her first big exposition of what she would do if she actually wins in November.
"To drive real progress, you have to change both hearts and laws," she said, in clear contrast to the idealistic promises of her primary opponent Bernie Sanders and the big-talking Republican enemy Donald Trump.
Read more at The Guardian