Horsemeat-in-burgers scandal prompts food hygiene fears

Jewish leaders warned such incidents must not happen again, while the Muslim Council of Britain said it was worried by the whole issue of misdescription of food .
John Benjamin, the chief executive of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, said: "Observant Jews would only eat certain types of meat , and even then only if the animal had been killed in accordance with the laws of kosher food production,according to The Guardian.
"Those that might be less observant and might eat beef that is not strictly kosher would still avoid pork and horsemeat, and we hope that mistakes in meat processing are not repeated. Keeping to a kosher diet would normally avoid the risks of such contamination."
Shuja Shafi, the deputy secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain, said: "As a general consumer, the misdescription of food products is a matter of great concern for us. As far as we are aware, these products are not labelled as halal, and therefore from a faith-dietary perspective this particular incident does not seem to affect the Muslim community.
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