Housing cost to be reduced due to Affordable Housing - 2020 Program

According to him, the average cost of one square meter of housing makes about 110 thousand tenge in the regions and about 180 thousand tenge in Astana, Almaty, Atyrau, Aktau. Thus, an apartment with the floor area totaling 70 sq m costs over 51 thousand U.S. dollars in the regions and 84 thousand dollars in Astana, Almaty, Atyrau and Aktau. Presently, only one fourth of employed population of the country can deal with the housing issues themselves, primeminister.kz ite informed.
Besides, he emphasized that the level of provision with dormitories makes about 70%. Over 6 thousand students will be provided with places in new dormitories by the end of 2013. Construction of 80 more dormitories for 50 thousand places will be started in 2014.
Totally, 6 mln sq m of housing is planned to be built by the yearend at the expense of funds from all sources of financing. About 1 million families will be able to improve their living conditions. Besides, 35 mln sq m of secondary housing will be repaired and modernized. The share of domestically manufactured construction materials will increase from 65% to 90% in the domestic market.