Human Rights Report of Kazakhstan presented in Astana

ASTANA. KAZINFORM The Human Rights Commission of the Kazakh President presented today its report "On Human Rights in Kazakhstan" in Astana.

Earlier, the Head of State, international and national experts had positively assessed the report which was later issued in Kazakh, Russian and English under technical auspices of the OSCE Programs Office in Astana. According to Minister of Justice Berik Imashev, presently, the Ministry together with the interested structures and public organizations develops a draft action plan for the Government on implementation of 47 adopted recommendations and 96 recommendations mentioned by the Kazakh delegation as "under-implementation." 194 recommendations were made to Kazakhstan following the defense of the report. "The recommendations adopted relate to further improvement of law-enforcement practice and improvement of legislation," the Minister clarified. "An appropriate resolution will be submitted to the Government in the nearest time after approval by all interested governmental structures," added he. It should be noted that the Commission gave an evaluation of human rights situation in Kazakhstan for the period from January 1, 2014 through April 30, 2015. The report contains a comparative analysis of the national legislation and law-enforcement practice in human rights protection sphere as per the provisions of the international treaties ratified by Kazakhstan. The document evaluates also the activity of authorized governmental structures of Kazakhstan, the measures on further improvement of the tools of socio-economic, labour and cultural rights protection of vulnerable groups of population in accordance with the Constitution of the country. In general, over the reporting period, the Commission had received 576 written and 450 oral appeals from individuals and legal entities on breach of rights and freedoms of human and citizen.

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