I marvel at the splendor of Astana Opera Theater: Opera diva Alfiya Karimova

ASTANA. September 9. KAZINFORM Merited artist of Bashkortostan and coloratura soprano Alfiya Karimova is now a part of the new Astana Opera and Ballet Theater in the Kazakh capital. The well-known opera diva used to shine at the best Russian opera houses and now is proud of her work at the Astana Opera Theater.

The world of opera is like the elite sport. Only hard work and love of what you're doing can bring new victories and achievements. The requirements to opera artists and their functions in the plays have drastically changed in the 21st century. The petite opera singer has shared her thoughts with Kazinform correspondent on what it takes to be the opera artist nowadays.

- What do you expect from your work at the Astana Opera Theater?

- I look forward to a lot of music, new interesting meetings and, of course, meeting the Astana theatergoers, who already know me. I have already performed in Astana, participated in various concerts and competitions, for instance, the Bibigul Tulegenova contest. I won grand-prix and that was quite emotional. It is a great honor to join the company of the Astana Opera Theater. I am really proud of myself and the fact that this is my theater from now on.

- Tell us the sources of your inspiration?

- The inspiration comes from life. I play both juvenile and dramatic parts. Life is not only love and triumph, it also brings grave losses. After the rehearsals I ponder over the makeup and hair for the role. I am not a fashion designed, but I take my stand on everything from makeup to costumes.

- Your wishes to the Astana Opera Theater?

- I wish the theater to be sold out, more opera and ballet lovers, people who would enjoy the marvelous architecture and splendor of the theater. I also wish my colleagues inspiration and I hope we will be successful. I truly marvel at the beauty of the new building, on the one hand, and the balance between the history and national heritage.

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