19:46, 23 April 2009 | GMT +5
<i>Tulpar</i> International Prize awarding held in Moscow
MOSCOW. April 23. KAZINFORM. /Arnur Rakhymbekov/ A ceremony of Tulpar International Prize awarding for contribution to development of Russian-Kazakh relations and popularization of Kazakhstan?s culture in mass media has taken place in Moscow.

The prize was established by the international center for cultural and business cooperation between Russia and Kazakhstan under the Kazakh embassy in the Russian Federation. Russian journalists will be annually awarded the prize for significant contribution to strengthening of Russian-Kazakhstan relations.
Making a speech Kazakh Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Kazakhstan to Russia Adilbek Dzhaksybekov said that friendship, good neighborliness and mutually beneficial cooperation between the Kazakh and Russian peoples were the basis of the strategic partnership between the two states. The diplomat noted that President Nursultan Nazarbayev paid much attention to the development of common information space of our countries as well as all CIS states. The VIII Eurasian Media Forum in Almaty is the very evidence.
Among the laureates of the first Tulpan prize are member of the Russian Federation Council Alexander Shkolnik, amchormen Pyotr Tolstoy, Sergey Brilyov, Alexei Pushkov, editor-in-chief of Izvestiya newspaper Vladimir Mamontov and others.