IAEA chief hopes for return of nuclear inspectors to DPRK

BEIJING. April 22. KAZINFORM International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) director general Mohamed ElBaradei on Monday called for dialogue to resolve nuclear issues with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), Kazinform refers to Xinhuanet.
"The only way to resolve the issues is through dialogue," ElBaradei told reporters at a conference on nuclear energy in Beijing. "There is no other solution apart from dialogue." He said direct dialogue, and dialogue on the basis of mutual respect, should be conducted through the United Nations Security Council to resolve such issues in Iran, DPRK and Cuba, instead of "flexing muscles" The DPRK Tuesday required IAEA inspectors to stop their work and leave the country as soon as possible, a day after the Security Council condemned the DPRK's April 5 "rocket" launch. The DPRK claimed it was a satellite launch, Kazinform cites Xinhuanet. See www.chinaview.cn for full version.
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