07:27, 07 November 2018 | GMT +5
Ice slick, precipitation forecast in Kazakhstan Nov 7
ASTANA. KAZINFORM Unstable weather, frontal-type precipitation keeps staying in most regions of the country November 7. Gusting wind, fog and ice slick are forecast for some areas. Only western regions will enjoy sunny weather today.

Fog and ice slick as well as strong wind are predicted for Akmola, Kostanay, North Kazakhstan, and East Kazakhstan regions. Snow drift is expected in some areas of Akmola region.
Gusts of wind in Almaty, Turkestan regions will increase to 15-20m/s with fog to blanket parts of Almaty region at night.
Ice slick and fog are expected in Karaganda and Pavlodar regions. Wind speed in the daytime in Karaganda region will rise to 15-20m/s.
Fog is predicted for some areas of Kyzylorda, Zhambyl, Mangistau, and West Kazakhstan regions. Strong wind up to 15-20m/s will strike Zhambyl region as well.