Iconic Buckingham Palace room opens to visitors

Iconic Buckingham Palace room opens to visitors, UK, Royal family
Photo: royal.uk

For the first time in history, the iconic central room with the famous balcony of Buckingham Palace will be open to groups of visitors, reports Kazinform.

Starting next week, lucky ticket holders will be able to visit the very room where the Royal Family gathers on special occasions before stepping out to greet the public. Although the balcony doors will remain closed, visitors will be able to admire the view of The Mall, the ceremonial street used by British monarchs, through the net curtains.

This new addition to the annual summer palace tour, which includes a visit to the East Wing, has proven to be incredibly popular. Nearly 6,000 tickets sold out within hours of going on sale in April.

Iconic Buckingham Palace room opens to visitors
Photo: royal.uk

Caroline de Guitaut, the surveyor of the King's works of art, shared some historical insights:

"The idea of a balcony at Buckingham Palace came from Prince Albert, as he believed it would enable the Royal Family to connect with the people. This tradition began during Queen Victoria's reign, starting in 1851 when troops were sent off to the Crimean War and welcomed back upon their return."

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