IICA, KazISS sign joint action plan

IICA, KazISS sign joint action plan
Photo credit: KazISS

On the sidelines of the 7th Central Asian Expert Forum in Astana, Director of the International Institute for Central Asia (IICA) Javlon Vakhabov met with the Director of the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (KazISS) Yerkin Tukumov, UzA reports.

At the meeting, the parties highly appreciated the allied relations between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, emphasizing that their further development meets the two countries' interests.

The parties noted the importance of stepping up interaction between the expert communities to “synchronize watches” on key issues of the Uzbekistan – Kazakhstan agenda and to identify new areas of cooperation.

In this regard, the heads of analytical centers signed a Joint Action Plan for 2024-2025 within the framework of the Cooperation Agreement between the institutes, signed on December 2, 2021.

The plan includes mutual expert visits, joint article publication, and holding consultations in preparation for meetings and negotiations at various levels, including in the “CA+” format.

Following the meeting, the parties confirmed their readiness to deepen partnership in the research sphere.

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