III Central Asian Trade Forum be held in Almaty on Oct 9-10

The Forum is hosted by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Regional Economic Cooperation Project. The goal of the Forum is to contribute to strengthening Central Asian countries export competitiveness.
The Forum Agenda includes presentations by officials of the governmental sector of Central Asian countries, representatives of chambers of commerce and industry and other experts of foreign trade relations. In addition, the Forum participants will have ample opportunities to share experience on best practices in regulations, trade facilitation and business development.
The Forum will gather in one venue representatives of ministries, embassies, trade promotion agencies, chambers of commerce and industry, manufacturers and mass media.
To take part in the Forum, please fill in the registration form by COB October 1st, 2013.
To complement presentations, workshops and master classes of the Forum, a Trade Exhibition will be organized to demonstrate manufactured goods of non-energy sectors. Exhibitors will be able to demonstrate their products, develop new business contacts and exchange experiences.
USAID’s Regional Economic Cooperation Project will cover contest winners’ travel and accommodation costs. The contest winners in each nomination will receive “The Best Exporter of Central Asia 2013” plaques.
USAID’s Regional Economic Cooperation Project facilitates trade among Central Asian countries, Afghanistan, as well as with other large trading partners. Through capacity building initiatives and gender integration strategies, REC expands firms’ export potential, while building business network connections in the region.