18:37, 28 April 2009 | GMT +5
III International Congress of students and young scientists ?World of science? over in Almaty
ALMATY. April 28. KAZINFORM /Sara Mustafina/ III International Congress of students and young scientists ?World of science?, devoted to the 75 anniversary of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi was over today in Almaty.

Students, young scientists, professors, leading scientists of the Moscow State University and leading universities of Kazakhstan took part in the Congress.Allin all, over five thousand people participated in the Congress.
Topical issues on three main scientific directions: natural-technical, socio-humanitarian and educational were discussed. Presentations of scientific-research works and projects, developed with participation of young scientists and students of the University were held. Totally, scientific works of theoretical, experimental and engineering character were introduced at 100 sections of the Congress.
The Congress was held in three languages ? Kazakh, Russian and English. Summary of the Congress results and the ceremony of winners' awarding were held as well.