In Kazakhstan grain receipts transferred into electronic format

I would like to note positive aspects of transition to grain receipts, both for farmers and for grain-enterprises. For farmers - a reduction of costs, it woulbe be not necessary to go every time on elevators for grain receipts. It can be carried out in electronic format via the Internet or mobile communication.
Farmers can protect their interests at grain storage and determination of the grain quality. Grain collecting enterprises will not have to bear expenses for purchase and registration of grain receipts forms. In addition, part of operations in the information system will be carried out without their participation," A.Kadzhybekova explained advantages of the new form of document, reports.
The Law "On Grain" entered into force on July 23, 2016. After this date, grain receipts are issued only in electronic form, that means subjects of the grain market had already started to work in the information system of grain receipts.
According to experts, this system will allow to automate accounting of grain receipts, their holders and operations with grain receipts, and to provide data transparency and minimize risks of intentional violations in this area, ultimately, create preconditions for transition to the electronic grain trade.
In addition, according to A.Kadzhybekova it is a big advantage for regulatory authorities as well.
"The Ministry of Agriculture and local executive authorities will have online access to a current database of all issued electronic receipts. This will allow us to analyze conditions and work load of storage, as all operations are carried out in electronic form to ensure data transparency. This will minimize risks, reduce violations in this sphere," she noted.
Thus, the electronic grain receipt has the status of a security, and propriety rights of an owner for grain, that put them in storage. Also, grain receipt may serve as collateral for bank loans.
Institute of grain receipts was introduced in accordance with the Law "On Grain" since August 2002. Since the introduction grain receipts were in the paper format.