Independence Day sums up results of Kazakhstan's success each year: S. Bokayev

ALMATY. December 11. KAZINFORM "The Day of Independence is not just a holiday, it is, in the first place, the national chronograph that every year sums up the results of Kazakhstan's political and economic achievements," Kazakhstani political analyst Sanzhar Bokayev said.

"On this day we have one more reason to be proud of Kazakhstan, proud of freedom, accord and peace that we enjoy," he told a scientific practical conference on the theme "Generation of Independence: Value Navigators and Prospects" in Almaty on Tuesday.

The conference mainly focused on the role of youth in the development of sovereign Kazakhstan, since young citizens of the country are the key element in further modernization of the country. In addition, participants also discussed achievements of the country throughout its independence and mapped out further ways of implementing the state policy in that direction.

The conference was held within the framework of the upcoming Day of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It brought together eminent experts and political analysts.

The Department for Youth Affairs of Almaty Akimat with the support of the Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Religious Studies, the Kazakhstani Institute of Strategic Research under the President and Gylym Ordasy arranged the Almaty conference.

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